Want a signed & personalized copy of REBEL WITCH?
When you preorder from Mysterious Galaxy or Thistle Bookshop, you’ll get your copy signed + personalized PLUS you’ll receive a limited edition print of Rune & Gideon drawn by K. Lynn Smith!
How to order a signed/personalized copy of REBEL WITCH from Mysterious Galaxy (if you are not attending my event there on Feb 19):
Add REBEL WITCH to your cart.
In the “order comments” box at checkout write the name of hte person you want it personalized to (i.e. “To Joan”). If you don’t want it personalized, write “signed only”.
Mysterious Galaxy preorders must be placed by 12pm PT on February 19th.
How to order a signed/personalized copy of REBEL WITCH from Thistle Bookshop:
Add REBEL WITCH to your cart.
In the “instructions or comments” box at checkout write the name of hte person you want it personalized to (i.e. “To Joan”). If you don’t want it personalized, write “signed only”.
Thistle Bookshop preorders must be placed by midnight ET on February 9th.